It's time to ditch dieting

and find health, wellness, and weight loss without restriction or obsession


Are you ready to learn the secrets to creating evidence-based weight loss HABITS that support YOUR lifestyle and work for you? GRAB MY FREE WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT DIETING GUIDE

You're stuck on your health journey. You're constantly chasing weight loss with nothing to show for it.

You're so tired of feeling stuck.

You keep trying to make changes and then not following through. Instead of feeling happy, you're stuck with a giant dose of guilt and shame and wonder if you'll have the strength to pick yourself up and try again.

You've tried and failed too many times.

You're disheartened and disappointed and so sick of failing over and over

You've tried all the dieting techniques but none of them ever last and you're ready for something different.

But you don't even know where to start.

Start here.


In this space, we learn to stop fighting against our bodies and learn to work with them to create sustainable weight loss results.

If you're looking to wake up each day and be at peace with food, at peace with your body, and confident in achieving and maintaining your weight loss goals, you're in the right place.

We're here to support you every step of the way and you can learn more by scrolling to the "get support" section below.

All my love, 



You can have a happy relationship with food, your body, and exercise and...

still reach your goals!

Get Support

"Weight Loss without Dieting" Guide

Ditch the restriction, tracking, measuring, and being miserable all in the name of weight loss.


"Beat the Binge" Training

In the FREE WORKSHOP I'm teaching you how to stop sabotaging with food and learn to unlock your weight loss potential without going back to dieting.


Join the Wellness Academy

A group coaching membership for the woman who wants to lose weight without dieting and create a lifestyle of health and wellness.


Coach With Me

1-1 coaching allows us to dive deep into your unique struggles, setbacks, and stresses to help you create realistic goals that you feel good about with support EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.



Hi, I'm Elizabeth

I am a women’s wellness coach, nutrition coach, and certified exercise physiologist here to help women make peace with food, make peace with their bodies, and develop sustainable wellness habits to live a fulfilled life as A Woman of Wellness.

As your coach, my superpower is to help you change from the inside out. When we change the way we THINK about things, we change the way we ACT. I start with helping you change the thoughts and beliefs you carry about your relationship with food and your body so that we can dive into changing the actions you take each and every day.

My #1 goal is to help you become the Woman of Wellness you want to become and live every day confident in who you are and where you’re going! And those results are just around the corner for you!

I believe that every woman has the capability of knowing what her body truly wants and needs within herself.

I’m here to help you discover it.


The Woman of Wellness Podcast

Join me as i share inspirational (and practical) messages helping women

  • heal their relationship with food,
  • love their bodies, and
  • find joy in exercise and movement.

This podcast is dedicated to helping you discover the woman of wellness within.


What others are saying about working with Elizabeth...

Elizabeth has helped me learn how to love and accept my body the way it is right now. That seemed impossible before I started coaching with her

~ J.

I had a terrible relationship with food, hated my body, and had been dieting on and off my entire adult life. I'm officially done with dieting forever and I'm actually happy with my body now! I'm on a slow journey to lose weight, but my feelings when I look in the mirror have radically changed. I would have never come this far without Elizabeth! Her approach to food freedom, body acceptance, and pursuing goals is truly life-changing!


I lost 7 pounds just by healing my relationship with food and making lifestyle changes! I never knew weight loss could be so simple and not downright painful. And the best part is that I have all the tools I need to keep going!



Watch my FREE workshop  /  Listen to the podcast

Join the Wellness Academy  /  Follow me on IG

© 2024 A Woman of Wellness


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© 2024 A Woman of Wellness

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