The Spring into Weight Loss Challenge has ended.

What you’ll do in the challenge:


Learn how to ditch the dieting mindset and get into the sustainable weight loss mindset.

Create and implement your own exercise plan according to your goals and best practices for weight loss.

Create your own meal planning system with balanced nutrition and meal planning + prep made easy.


Challenge details:

Run date: March 20-24

LIVE trainings:

  • onĀ Monday, Wednesday, Thursday at 10:30 AM MST

Private Facebook group for community, accountability, and coaching + feedback on your plans.

Implementation days:Ā 

  • The challenge will run for one week, we will have 3 live training sessions and then you will have TIME TO IMPLEMENT what you learn in the trainings (we know of no other challenge that does this!).

Replays of live sessions will be available for those that canā€™t make it live.